Detlef Houdeau, Senior Director, Business Development at Infineon Technologies was a speaker at the inaugural UK/EU Summit organized by our newest Associated Partners Shared Assessments.

💡Under the theme “Risk to Resilience” the first event of this series was held in London and brought together professionals from different industries and regions. Detlef participated in the panel about the complex regulatory landscape and emphasized that new legislation like the EU AI Act, DORA and Hashtag#NIS2 continue to push the standard of care on cybersecurity and other risks.

Thanks to Shared Assessments for organizing such an amazing event and inviting the Charter of Trust to participate in this high-class panel alongside Andrew Moyad, CEO at Shared Assessments.

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Nordic Cyber Summit 2024
icon External Engagement

Nordic Cyber Summit 2024

The Charter of Trust at the Nordic Cyber Summit
What a great opportunity for Morten Kromann, Head of Industrial Security Denmark at Siemens, to present the Charter of Trust perspective on cybersecurity regulations like Hashtag#NIS2 at the Nordic Cyber Summit in Copenhagen.

This year the summit was again a formidable event to engage with top cybersecurity experts, share insights, and discuss strategies to navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape in the Nordic region with the theme “Fortifying the Future: Building Cyber Resilience in a Transformed World”.

A main aspect highlighted by Morten was the discrepancies between the NIS2 directive’s incidents reporting timeframe and related provisions adopted in other legislations. These regulatory overlaps create difficult compliance environments for industry and costly operational pressures which add to the fragmentation of the market instead of harmonizing it. That is why the Charter of Trust emphasizes streamlining reporting requirements stemming from these different legislative frameworks and developing single entry points for reporting on the national level.

These and more points will also be discussed during our next Security-by-default Webinar taking place on the 29th of October. Sign up to find out more what the Charter of Trust Partners views are on how to prepare for NIS2 and other regulations:
September 16, 2024
Empowering the Future of Cybersecurity Talents in Germany
icon Education

Empowering the Future of Cybersecurity Talents in Germany

A big thank you to our Partner Allianz and to SANS Institute for inviting the Charter of Trust to participate in the high-stakes discussions at this year’s Allianz Executive Forum. The topic “Cyber-Nation Germany needs Cyber-Education” was a formidable chance for the Charter of Trust to present its commitment to support educational initiatives in the field of cybersecurity.

Our chairwoman Natalia Oropeza shared some insights from the inspiring programme “African Girls Can Code”, amplifying the message that the future of cybersecurity is diverse, committed, and highly ambitious. Furthermore, Ralf Schneider, Allianz Senior Fellow Cybersecurity and Next Generation IT, highlighted that it is everyone’s task, from everyday citizens to high-end IT experts, to educate themselves and learn about new cyber threats.

A huge shoutout to Allianz and the SANS Institute for the fantastic organization and the invitation to be part of this remarkable event!
September 13, 2024
New APF Partner - Shared Assessments
icon External Engagement

New APF Partner - Shared Assessments

We are excited to announce that Shared Assessments has officially joined the Charter of Trust Associated Partners Forum (APF), further reinforcing our mission to enhance global cybersecurity standards.

The APF is a collaborative network that brings together regulators, research institutes, universities, and think tanks with the Charter of Trust's contributing partners to strengthen the digital security landscape. The APF has grown over the years and already counts more than 15 partners from the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

"Shared Assessments is excited and honored to join the Charter of Trust community of cybersecurity leaders and practitioners, and we are committed to working with the organisation to improve the resilience and risk posture of their membership and their associated suppliers. Since its founding in 2018, the Charter of Trust has promoted continuous improvement in the standard of care for cybersecurity risk management. At Shared Assessments, we are fully aligned with the Charter’s vision, including the organisation’s 10 Principles and the philosophy that cybersecurity ‘is everyone’s task.’" says CEO Andrew Moyad.

Founded in 2005, Shared Assessments is a global membership organization dedicated to developing the best practices, education, and products to drive third-party risk assurance. Shared Assessments is a practitioner led organization with over 1’500 active professionals available to network across their 13 global committees disseminating papers, studies, and further research.

At Shared Assessments, the belief in collaboration and the exchange of knowledge plays a critical role in tackling today’s cybersecurity challenges. Together with them, Charter of Trust is working towards creating a stronger digital landscape across industries and borders by sharing the extensive knowledge our partners have.
September 08, 2024