Yesterday we celebrated the next generation of cybersecurity talents at the "Empowering the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Talent" event, co-organized by SANS Institute, Allianz Technology and The Charter of Trust. This event was a pivotal gathering focused on addressing the critical shortage of skilled professionals in the cybersecurity field. It was a formidable opportunity to bring together industry leaders, educators and public authorities to celebrate the graduation of aspiring cybersecurity youngsters from the CyberTalent programme and discuss future opportunities in cybersecurity education and careers.

🚀 We had the pleasure of welcoming our new graduates from diverse backgrounds and hear about their journey and ambitions in becoming skilled cybersecurity professionals.

The graduation ceremony was followed by a high-level panel discussion moderated by María del Pino González-Junco with the experts from both industry and public sector Maria Manuela Catrina, Patrick Zeitz, Ian R., Dimitra Liveri and Dr Sumit Chanda who shared insights on bridging the cybersecurity skills gap and fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce. The main takeaways from this exchange:

Different ways of thinking - "Cybersecurity skills can be taught, but the strategic mindset and the hunger to learn more certainly not". This shows the value of such initiatives like the CyberTalent, different backgrounds, different forms of tackling problems and the desire to excel can get you everywhere in cybersecurity.

Soft skills - "What we need in Cybersecurity right now are not only hard technical skills, but soft skills like communications, public affairs, public relations, creativity". Back in the day, almost everyone in cybersecurity had a degree in computer science, but those times are long gone. Talents like we have them gathered here today are the future and build the backbone of our security systems tomorrow.

Human-centred - "2/3 of all data breaches involve some form of human element". This shows that cybersecurity must go a long way to make it more human-centred. A culture of failure must be embraced and openness to constructive knowledge sharing after attacks. This is what the Charter of Trust stands for and wholeheartedly welcomes this new generation of open-minded cyber-talents.

We thank SANS Institute and Allianz for organizing this wonderful event and congratulate everyone graduating from the CyberTalents academy. We cannot wait to see, where your journey will lead you, but we are sure that your contributions to cybersecurity will be most needed.

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icon External Engagement

Uniting Forces during our Collaboration Week

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CoT Chairwoman Natalia Oropeza in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
icon External Engagement

CoT Chairwoman Natalia Oropeza in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

Excellent to see our Chairperson, Natalia Oropeza, discussing the important work of the Charter of Trust in this weekend’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. Cyber threats present significant challenges to businesses, but “cyberattacks don't stop at the gates of companies" and can impact on the public sector and critical infrastructure.

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MSC 2024 - CoT thematic Dinner
icon External Engagement

MSC 2024 - CoT thematic Dinner

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We are grateful to European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas and US Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberg for their participation and insightful exchanges.

Addressing today’s complex Hashtag#cyber challenges requires close collaboration between industry leaders, policymakers, governments, and international organizations. The event brought together high-level participants from these spheres to explore the rapidly evolving threat landscape and how:

🔑 Cybersecurity is dependent on credibility and about deploying trustworthy, cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of threat actors.
🤝 Public-private cooperation is key to ensure stable and protected critical infrastructure
👥 The human aspect of cybersecurity shouldn’t be overlooked – both in terms of the potential for widespread disruption to society and the skilled talent needed to combat growing threats
🌐 Transatlantic collaboration on best-practice and upcoming regulation, such as the Trust Mark program, is crucial.

Thank you to all of our Partners and participants for the opportunity to foster collaboration and dialogue as we look to build a more secure digital world together.
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