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Emerging Technologies

Guide businesses on AI & Quantum Computing challenges.


The mission of this group is to address and provide guidance to businesses on how to manage the complexities triggered by AI and Post Quantum Computing and their impact on cybersecurity and trust.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is transforming the cybersecurity landscape for businesses, offering both unprecedented opportunities and complex challenges. On the positive side, AI enhances cybersecurity by automating threat detection, improving response times, and predicting potential security breaches through advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms. These capabilities enable businesses to proactively defend against cyber threats, minimize vulnerabilities, and enhance overall security posture.

However, the integration of AI also introduces new cybersecurity risks. AI systems can themselves become targets for cyberattacks, potentially being manipulated or exploited by malicious actors. Additionally, the complexity and opacity of some AI algorithms can make it difficult to identify and mitigate biases and vulnerabilities, leading to security gaps.

In light of the regulatory advancements on AI, the Charter of Trust Partners aim to provide clear guidelines for ensuring innovative but also secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Post Quantum Safety

Post-quantum safety represents a pivotal shift in the cybersecurity landscape, addressing the imminent threats posed by quantum computing to current cryptographic systems.

The impact of post-quantum safety on cybersecurity for businesses is profound. Implementing post-quantum cryptographic algorithms will become essential to safeguard data against future quantum attacks.

This involves transitioning to quantum-resistant encryption methods, which can be a complex and resource-intensive process, requiring significant updates to existing systems and protocols.

As such, the Charter of Trust Partners aim to provide the necessary guidance to critical businesses on how to adopt post-quantum safety measures and rethink their cybersecurity strategies to ensure long term resilience and security of their data.

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